Below, please find some commonly asked questions. If you do not find answers to your questions, please contact us here.
Go to uli.org/join to decide which package is right for you or renew your membership. Your renewal invoice is available in your online account 3 months prior to your renewal date. Still have questions? Please don’t hesitate to Contact Us.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I become a member or renew my membership? |
Go to uli.org/join to decide which package is right for you or renew your membership. Your renewal invoice is available in your online account 3 months prior to your renewal date. Still have questions? Please don’t hesitate to Contact Us. |
I am having difficulty registering for an event. Can you help me? |
Our signature events will typically close on-line registration one day prior to the event. If you are trying to register more than one day prior, please contact ULI Sample Council and we will gladly assist. Please note that some of our more popular programs can sell out several days in advance. Typically the event page title will start with “SOLD OUT” if this is the case. If it does not, and it’s within 24 hours of the event, it’s possible we will offer on-site registration. Please Contact Us to verify availability. |
I want to get more involved with ULI. Where do I start? |
The best way to get involved is to attend our programs and networking events. For ULI members who are looking to dive deeper, Navigator is your go-to resource to get involved across ULI on a local or global level. There you can find relevant opportunities based on your interests, career stage, preferred location, and time available. We also encourage you to explore our Member Directory to finder other members by professional role, location, expertise and more. You can also Contact Us to discuss the best fit for you.
How do I update my member profile? |
Update your own member profile showcasing your professional experience on Member Directory. More than just your contact information, your member profile lets you add your photo, biography, job history, interests & expertise and more.
How do I find opportunities to lead or speak with my district council or ULI globally? |
ULI members can find opportunities to lead, speak, or volunteer across the organization on Navigator. |
How do I sign in to Knowledge Finder, Member Directory, and Navigator? |
Members can use the same email and password they use to register for events to sign in to all ULI digital properties. Click “Forgot your password?” to reset your account credentials if you can’t remember your password or reach out to customer service for assistance. |
My password is not working when I try to sign in to my profile on a ULI website. What should I do? |
Remember that your username is the email you have provided. You can reset your password on the member profile page. If this does not work, please call ULI Customer Service at 800.321.5011 or email [email protected] |
Why am I not receiving ULI Cleveland emails? |
Check your email preferences in your profile to make sure that your email is correct and that you have not opted out of emails. |
My email address is correct but I am still not receiving ULI Cleveland emails. What's next? |
We recommend you add [email protected] email address to their safe sender list. Additionally, if you find the emails in your Junk Mail box, mark the email as “Not Spam” in your email client. If you have a private domain email account, it is possible that your server is blocking our messages. To help the messages pass through their filters to your inbox, contact admin for your email and request them to whitelist uli.org sending domains. If you are still not receiving our emails, please Contact Us. |
My Company is a ULI Cleveland Local Sponsor. What events can I attend and how many free passes does my company have? |
Sponsors now receive a credit to use toward ULI Cleveland program registrations. The amount of the credit depends on their level of sponsorship and event eligibility. Please see our Sponsorship Benefits to determine what level your company is and how much total annual credit you receive. To utilize your sponsor comps for events, please Contact Us. |
How do I join a Product Council? |
If you are interested in joining a Product Council, we advise that you first review the list of Product Council Topics to determine the best fit for your personal interest and professional role. Next, we suggest that you examine the Product Council Statistics Report to determine the number of seats open on a council. Once you have completed these steps, simple fill out the Navigator form for the council you are interested in and email the Chair and Vice Chair Membership to express your interest. Contact information for the Chair and Vice Chair of Membership is available on Member Directory. In addition, all past Product Council Agendas are available on Knowledge Finder. As a reminder, you must be a Full Member to apply for a Product Council. |